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Supported Chenille machines

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wilcom ES Chenille supports Tajima, both the old TMCE-100 and new TMCE-600 models, Barudan and Melco Chenille machines.

As with lockstitch designs, Wilcom ES Chenille stores all the information about a design in the EMB no matter to which machine the design is output making it easy to write designs in different formats.

Tajima Chenille machine functions

The Tajima Chenille machines have three functions — Chain, Moss and Color Change. The Tajima code system does not have specific codes assigned to these machine functions; each Tajima Chenille machine uses different combinations of empty stitch and stop codes to indicate these machine functions. Wilcom ES Chenille provides machine formats for both Tajima
Chenille machines.

The TMCE-100 model uses different combinations of multiple stop codes and empty stitch codes for the chain, moss and needle height functions. As each Chenille function is coded differently, this machine can recognize them. The TMCE-100 machine is often referred to as the ‘multi-stop’ Tajima Chenille machine.

If you intend to stitch a design on one of these machines, make sure that you select the ‘Tajima Chenille multi-stop’ machine format. The chain, moss and needle height functions will be automatically converted to the correct combinations of empty stitch and stop codes used by these machines.

Tajima Chenille machine functions

The Tajima TMCE-S Chenille machine only uses single stop codes for switching between chain and moss stitching. These machines cannot distinguish between the functions, so you need to select a function for each stop at the machine, in the same way as you select needle numbers for color stops.

If you are using one of these machines, select the Tajima Chenille TMCE-600 machine format. Each chain, moss and needle height function will be output as a single stop code.

Condition file

When using TMCE-600 format and saving a design as a DST file, a condition file (*.cc0) is saved alongside the design. This file contains information that the machine can read so that the setup process is partially automated.